Thursday, October 22, 2009

Blue Cheese Deviled Eggs

Creamy, smooth, and slightly addictive with the distinctive blue cheese taste. I was afraid the blue cheese would overpower the egg, but instead it was the perfect complement to the yolk. This was a fairly simple recipe to follow. You can just boil the eggs straight without any fancy business, but I was reading this deviled eggs recipe book the other day; did you know that there are things you can do to make sure the yolk is perfectly centered in the egg?? Crazy. Things like putting your egg carton on its side the night before so that the eggs are lying on their sides. Anyway, I won't go into a dissertation on deviled eggs, but if you follow this recipe, you'll get some fine tasting ones. We decided to play around with "decorations" and added some seaweed sprinkles to some for a more Asian taste, and we added Cajun seasoning to others. To be honest, the decorations didn't really do much in terms of enhancing the taste, but they were fun. :)

12 eggs
½ cup blue cheese (crumbled)
4 tablespoons mayonnaise
Tabasco sauce, to taste
Salt, to taste
Pepper, to taste
Paprika (optional)

1. Boil the eggs. We basically laid the eggs on their sides in a large pot, filled it up with water, and turned on the stove. Let the water boil, wait about 10-15 minutes, and you should have boiled eggs from that. If the eggs are floating on the surface, then they are boiled.

2. Remove the eggs and immediately rinse them with cold water. (This keeps the yolk from turning green.) Peel the eggs and slice them in half, length-wise.

3. Scoop the yolks into a mixing bowl and set the whites aside. Mash the yolks with the blue cheese, mayonnaise, Tabasco sauce, salt, pepper, and paprika. Make sure the mixture is smooth before moving to the next step.

4. Spoon (or pipe) the filling back into the egg whites. Optionally sprinkle with paprika for a bit of color. Cover and refrigerate before serving. (We didn't refrigerate though; we were too hungry to wait!)

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